My first single-arm, plyometric, clapping push-up!  Oh, and literally every other lift went up as well.  It was a very good day.  🙂

1.  Warm-Up

2.  Barbell Bench Press
Goal:  280 x 3.
Actual:  280 x 3.  275 x 3.

2.  Barbell Pendlay Row (Row from the ground)
Goal:  205 x 3.
Actual:  205 x 5.  215 x 3.

3.  Seated Barbell Military Press
Goal:  175 x 3.
Actual:  175 x 4.  175 x 3.

4.  Chinups
Goal:  Bodyweight +90 x 5
Actual:  BW +90 x 5.  BW +90 x 4.

5.  Dumbbell Bench Press
Goal:  100s x 3.
Actual:  100s x 6.  105s x 6.

6.  Dumbbell Row
Goal:  115 x 5.
Actual:  115 x 5.  115 x 5.

7.  Seated Dumbbell Military Press 
Goal:  70s x 3.
Actual:  70s x 6.  75s x 4.

8.  Plyometric Single-Arm Push-Ups
Goal:  Hand on 4″ platform x 2
Actual:  Hand on 4″ platform x 3.  Hand on ground x 2.
(These were actual clapping push-ups.  I’ve been working toward this for about a year, so I’m incredibly happy with it!)

9.  Cool-down

10.  Eat carbs


It was a solid day of pushing around some fairly heavy weight.  I’m not back to where I used to be, but I’m on my way.

However, I have to say that I’ve never seen anyone else do a plyometric single-arm push-up (and that’s saying a lot coming from a former bodybuilding forum and weight-lifting Youtube video junkie).  I’ll put it up on Youtube at some point.